News archive: January - December 2009
It's almost 2010. I want to give my frequent visitors the opportunity to download 2 complete shows until January 1st. These shows will not appear on the downloadpage.
Until the end of this year, you can download 2 complete S.O.D. shows here. They've been available before (a couple of years ago), but because there have been several requests to put them up again, I will give the frequent visitors the opportunity to download these shows once more. These full shows will only be available for the next few days! Click at the cover of the show that you want to download and choose: 'Save target as...' You'll download the entire show at once as a .zip-file. Unzip it before listening. Enjoy!
Billy Milano with Municipal Waste
Footage available!
Former M.O.D./S.O.D. frontman Billy Milano joined MUNICIPAL WASTE on stage at Red 7 in Austin, Texas on November 12, 2009 to perform a version of the S.O.D. classic "United Forces". Fan-filmed video footage of this unique one-time collaboration can be viewed below.
Commented MUNICIPAL WASTE drummer Dave Witte: "S.O.D. is such an important band for the crossover movement, pioneers in fact. "We've played 'United Forces' on and off for over two years while on tour and made the decision a few months ago to retire it. When we heard we had a chance to play it with Billy singing, we knew we had to do one more time and retire it the right way."
Guitarist Ryan Waste added: "I was shooting the shit with my buddy Felix Griffin when this big dude comes up to us and sticks out his hand. He looked familiar but I couldn't place it. Ryan, he said, it's Milano. I heard Billy lived in Austin and managed a bar down the street but I was still surprised to see him.
"The WASTE had covered 'United Forces' by S.O.D. in the past and it seemed too perfect to play it that night with Billy Milano on vox. After tracking him down back at his bar, Felix and I convinced him to come sing the song. It went over great with the New Yorker's brand of stand=up comedy banter being the icing on the cake."
Source: Blabbermouth
Billy Milano with Lamb Of God
Footage available!
Watch footage of Lamb Of God playing 'United Forces' with special guest Billy Milano on vocals, in Dallas, Texas last September!
Update: another version is available here:
Special items - update
Recently I received another bootleg of a show that S.O.D. did in 1999 in Japan. I just added it to my list of special items. There are only 2 people who have a copy of this recording; the bootlegger and I!
When Dutch student Tom Hornstra was in Japan in 1998/1999, he visited one of the 3 shows that S.O.D. did in Club Citta. But he didn't only watch the show, he recorded it as well! The show that Tom recorded on June 7, 1999 was the 2nd S.O.D. show in Club Citta. S.O.D. played Club Citta 3 days in a row!
'Speak English Or Die, the Platinum Edition' (which was released in 2000) and 'Speak English Or Die, the 20th Anniversary Edition' (2005) include a couple of live bonustracks that were also recorded in Club Citta in Tokyo.
This bootleg lasts 79 minutes and includes a couple of special tracks; it was the first time that 'Black War' was performed live! There are also a couple of songs about food on this bootleg that I never heard before, probably because they improvised them on the spot. And I don't think that S.O.D. played 'Pi Alpha Nu' on many of their 1999 shows, I can't find any other bootleg from 1999 were they did that song. It's a nice addition to my collection of bootlegs.
I want to thank Tom for this bootleg! For details, just click here.
DOWNLOAD: S.O.D. in Japan
Ten years ago, in 1999, S.O.D. did their first and only World Tour, which took them to Europe and Japan. The tour started in May 1999 in The Netherlands and ended in December 1999 in the U.S.
To celebrate the 10th anniversay of the release of 'Bigger Than The Devil' and S.O.D.'s first and only World Tour, I am planning to upload a couple of shows from that tour, recorded on different continents.
The first show that you get, was recorded on June 4, 1999 in Osaka, Japan. It's a great recording of a show that has never been available on this site before... The setlist includes songs from both studioalbums as well as a few ballads. A couple of these songs were played in Japan only ('The Song That Don't Go Fast', 'Fugu', 'Uni' and 'L.A.T.K.C.H.').
To get the entire show, just go to the downloadpage.
During the next months, I'll also upload shows that S.O.D. did in Europe and in the U.S.
In a couple of days the re-issue of 'Kill Yourself - The Movie' will be released by Nuclear Blast. But what do you get when you buy this? In what way is this release different from the original release from 2000?
First of all, being a fan of S.O.D. and writing a review for an S.O.D. release is very difficult for me. I am interested in every item that has ever been officially released, so I am always happy with a new release... But I will try to be as objective as I can.
I will review the package, the DVD and the CD seperately.
The package
The DVD and the bootleg CD lay on top of eachother in a jewelcase (a super jewel box) that has the format of a CD-case. The discs look very similar. Both have the same prints, so I first thought that I accidentally received 2 DVD's. But if you look carefully you'll discover which one is the CD and which one is the DVD.
On the inside of the booklet and on the backside of the jewelcase you'll find the tracklists of the DVD and the CD. The artwork on the front is similar to the 2000 release.The DVD (running time 160 min.)
'Kill Yourself - The Movie' was originally released in 2000 by Nuclear Blast. This version from 2009 contains exactly the same footage as the original release and the sound is also the same, so: very raw, sometimes even a little distorted. The footage has been filmed from different angles and the main content is filmed at 'The Metro, Chicago' (November 22, 1999). In between there are (funny) parts with S.O.D. members and other musicians like: Dimebag Darrel, Kirk Hammet, Paul Baloff, Kerry King and others. You also get a videoclip of 'Seasoning The Obese' and interviews with all members.
You can choose for 'Director's Audio commentary' and a 'Bonus Concert'.
Well, about this bonus concert... you still have to choose a 'secret code' to be able to watch this extra show. On my 'old' DVD (from 2000) the code was 485799, but that code doesn't seem to work anymore with this new disc. So, unless I get a code that works, I won't be able to watch this bonus footage on this DVD.
If you choose for 'Director's Audio commentary', you will get the main footage with commentary by Scott Ian, Brian Poshen and Bill Philputt.The CD (running time 65 min.)
This CD is called 'Official Live Bootleg' and that is exactly what it is; a bootleg. '20 Years Of Dysfunction' already contained a bootleg CD of a show from 1985, 'Rise Of The Infidels' also contains bootleg audio bonustracks and now 'Kill Yourself - The Movie' is the third release with a bootleg quality audio recording as a bonus. The funny thing is that you already might have heard or even seen this before, because it is the exactly the same show that is added as 'Bonus Concert' on the DVD. It is a bootleg and it sounds like a bootleg, but this is the only officially released CD with tracks of both studioalbums ('Speak English Or Die' and 'Bigger Than The Devil'). Being a fan and also being a collector of bootlegs, I'm happy with this CD, mainly because I didn't have this show on CD yet. I'm still trying to find out which show it is, because there is no mention of a date in the booklet.Tracklist of the Official Live Bootleg: 01. March Of The S.O.D. | 02. Sgt. D & The S.O.D. | 03. Kill Yourself | 04. Milano Mosh | 05. Speak English Or Die | 06. Make Room| 07. Fuck The Middle East / Douche Crew | 08. Celtic Frosted Flakes | 09. Ballads | 10. Chromatic Death / Fist Banging Mania | 11. Skool Bus | 12. No Turning Back | 13. Medley | 14. Evil Is In | 15. Charlie Don't Cheat | 16. Milk | 17. Introductions | 18. Aren't You Hungry? | 19. Pussywhipped / Freddy Krueger | 20. United Forces
If you bought the DVD already in 2000, you might reconsider if you want this re-issue. All you get extra is a CD with audio from the 'Bonus Concert' on the DVD. If you don't have 'Kill Yourself- The Movie' already, you should get this version. It's not expensive, you get the DVD + CD for the price of just one CD.This re-issue is mainly interesting for:
- Fans who have 'Kill Yourself - The Movie' still on VHS only and want to replace it;
- Fans who have 'Kill Yourself - The Movie' on DVD already, but really want the 'Official Live Bootleg' as well;
- Fans who are looking for another S.O.D. live CD;
- S.O.D. fans (like myself) who collect copies of every new release.
KILL YOURSELF DVD: Re-issue delayed
Re-release June 2009!
The re-release for S.O.D.'s 'Kill Yourself - The Movie' was initially set for this month, but the release has been pushed back to June 19th. The release will contain the original DVD + an extra audio CD and will be released worldwide (except Japan) by Nuclear Blast.More info and updates soon.
KILL YOURSELF: Re-issue May 2009!
S.O.D.'s legendary DVD 'Kill Yourself - The Movie' will be re-released next month by Nuclear Blast. This re-issue will contain 2 discs: the original DVD and an audio CD!
Here is what you get:Disc 1 - the DVD: Kill Yourself - The Movie
Chapters: FBI Warning | Opening Credits | March Of The S.O.D. | Sgt. 'D' & The S.O.D. | Humor | Quandar Of Sector Seven | Kill Yourself | Milano Mosh | Speak English Or Die | Humor | Make Room | Fuck The Middle East / Douche Crew | Humor | Celtic Frosted Flakes | Monkey Rules | Ballads | Humor | Chromatic Death / Fist Banging Mania | Skool Bus | Humor | No Turning Back | Medley | Evil Is In | Humor | Charlie Don't Cheat | Milk | Interview | Seasoning The Obese - Video clip | Introductions | Humor | Aren't You Hungry? | Pussywhipped / Freddy Krueger | United Forces | Closing Credits
BONUS: Director's Audio commentary | Bonus ConcertDisc 2 - the CD: Official Live Bootleg
Tracks: 01. March Of The S.O.D. | 02. Sgt. D & The S.O.D. | 03. Kill Yourself | 04. Milano Mosh | 05. Speak English Or Die | 06. Make Room| 07. Fuck The Middle East / Douche Crew | 08. Celtic Frosted Flakes | 09. Ballads | 10. Chromatic Death / Fist Banging Mania | 11. Skool Bus | 12. No Turning Back | 13. Medley | 14. Evil Is In | 15. Charlie Don't Cheat | 16. Milk | 17. Introductions | 18. Aren't You Hungry? | 19. Pussywhipped / Freddy Krueger | 20. United ForcesFormat: CD + DVD
Release: 22.05.2009
Article number: 160323I'll keep you updated, more info will follow soon!
Or go to:
More updates
S.O.D. section updated!
I've added some S.O.D. stuff that wasn't on my site yet. I updated the complete discography with new info and bigger and better scans. I also totally changed the lay-out of these pages. The updated pages can be recognized by their new 'S.O.D.-background'. And I've added a couple of new pages:
- Seasoning the Obese (all known releases)
- Live at Budokan (Japanese version)
- S.O.D. official videotapesSome of these stuff I've had in my collection for years already, some other releases I obtained only last year.
I hope it's a little easier to find the info you are looking for. More updates soon!
New design is ready!
The last couple of days I've mainly been busy making both designs of this website fit all resolutions. I've had some problems with that, but I think they all have been solved now. The 'old' lay-out has gone, from now you can only choose between these 2 brandnew '2009-designs':
a] 1024x768 or
b] 1280x800 (and higher ).
They look pretty much the same and the content of both versions is exactly the same!About this content... I've been updating some pages to make them more suitable for this new lay-out. And I'm not done yet! Please take a look at the new updated pages below:
M.O.D. discography
- new backgrounds
- new (better and bigger) scans of albumcovers;
- new lay-out;
- more info added (compilation albums).M.O.D. lyrics
- new lay-out;
- also new (bigger) albumcoversS.O.D.
- intro (new background)Pictures
- M.O.D. scans of ads and articles;If you experience any problems with my new designs, please let me know. And keep coming back for more updates and new stuff!
Still alive
And a new design...
It's been very quiet here for the last two months, mainly because there just wasn't any news to share! No new releases, no tourdates, nothing... I've also been busy with other stuff lately, so I didn't have very much time to update this site with downloads and other interesting stuff as frequently as before.
But from now on I'm planning to update this site again at least once a month! There are still lots of live-shows that I can upload. If you want a particular show, just ask and I will see what I can do! I will also give you updates about Billy Milano's new band 'Enough About The King'. And if I find other stuff that is not on this site yet (pictures, scans of articles, promo's, samplers or bootlegs), I will upload it.
But first of all, I decided to make this site more suitable for higher resolutions! If you use 1024x768, you can still choose for the 'old' site. But if you use higher resolutions, you now can choose for a new design that fits your screen better! Just go to: and choose your resolution. Both designs have exactly the same content, so you won't miss anything if you choose for one or the other.
Please tell me what you think of the new design and come back soon for more updates en new downloads!
Upcoming M.O.D. show
M.O.D will be performing for a special benefit Friday 1.30.09 @ Room 710, Austin, TX for The Friends of Houston Ritcheson Show 2.
If you're in TX please join them for this special event. This is a one time show and all proceeds going to The Friends of Houston Richeston Foundation.Source:
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